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by Heather Lehman, CAE, KCSAE Director

Happy New Year! When I think of the new year and all that it brings, I think of the new and exciting opportunities.  I also enjoy taking the time to reflect on the previous year and take stock in all that I have accomplished.

In this time of year many of us have performance evaluations and reviews.  Looking back at the work we accomplished over the past year, we use this to evaluate the goals we set out and be proud of what we have accomplished.  And if you are like me, there maybe that one goal that did you did not accomplish.  This happens – the important thing is to evaluate why didn’t this goal happen.  What do I need to plan differently to make this goal a reality?  Do I still want to accomplish this goal? Can I revise this goal to accomplish this in the coming year?  I reflect on these items to help me determine what goals I want to set for myself for the coming year.

KCSAE has many opportunities for members to expand and grow professional experiences.  This month our meeting topic is “If I Had Only Known… Advice, Tips, Stories and Solutions from C-Suite.”  This is an opportunity to learn from others how they have made their careers successful.  And how they approached obstacles that challenged them.  Our events always have time to network and get to know others possibility doing the same things you are.

Other opportunities to connect with other members is volunteering to help a committee. KCSAE has many opportunities for you to engage and participate as a member.  These opportunities can provide space to practice your leadership skills and expand your knowledge as an association professional.

I encourage you to set out goals for 2020, see how KCSAE can help support you to accomplish them, and go out to take over the world.





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